Wednesday, January 9

Download PSX emulator for Iphone (psx4iphone

People who already enjoy in their hands an Iphone can now enjoy an emulator of the original Playstation. The PSX Emulator is now available for download from the official website of the project and is capable of running on the screen different PSX games.

The operation, however, is quite complicated. As you can see in the picture, original gamepad buttons have been placed on the screens and take advantage of the touch screen to manejes games through them. It also lets you set up different aspects such as brightness or speed frames.
Emulador PSX para Iphone

As is often the case with emulators PSX, games in two dimensions work quite well, but on the contrary it costs a lot to move the graphics in three dimensions. It is a project open for improvement and it is clear that the community Iphone4world are already working on looking at.

You can download it here

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